The aim of the project is to stimulate a debate on the future of the European Union, increasing the knowledge of children and youth in Croatia about the European Union, its values and public policies and developing skills for active participation in democratic processes at EU level. The project is implemented in partnership with the Union of Societies “Our Children” of Croatia and with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
The activities that will be implemented within the project are: educational interactive workshops in an online environment for children, youth and mentors; meeting of the NEF of Croatia; international meetings of children and young members of the Eurochild network of the Eurochild National Forums of Croatia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Malta and Estonia; art-literary competition “About Europe through eyes of children”.
All our activities, except on the SOC Opatija website, can be followed on the digital platform of the European Commission with the aim of contributing to a stronger visibility of the Conference on the Future of Europe and involving more citizens!
“This document was prepared with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the Society “Our Children” Opatija and under no circumstances can it be considered as a reflection of the position of the Ministry“.