Every October is International Aided Communication Awareness Month. The goal of this celebration is to raise awareness of such communication and to inform the public about the many different ways in which people communicate using assisted communication.
Thanks to donations and a donation from the City Council of the City of Opatija, the Society “Our Children” Opatija put up the first communication boards at the children’s playground in Lipovica and in front of our premises in July, and during Children’s Week we put up boards at the children’s playgrounds in Veprinac, Ičići, Tomaševac, Črnikovica and Violica.
Communication boards are one form of assisted communication that involves the use of different symbols that are applied for complex communication needs.
Children who cannot communicate verbally can point to symbols and thus convey a message about what they want to do, where they want to go, or comment on the events around them and answer questions.
Only together can we create a world worthy of children!